Thursday, September 30, 2010

Disempowering Disappointment

"That's life, sugar." How many times have I heard this phrase? The three words are my father's most common response to the challenges that appear to be intent on disrupting our plans, efforts, and goals. As I have matured, it has become clear that the matter-of-fact tone of my father's delivery was never a lesson in futility. Rather it was his call for me to disempower my disappointments thereby not allowing them to define my existence.

From an economic perspective, history will inevitably chronicle this time as a period of great disappointment. Hopefully, it will also resonate with the legacy of a people who chose to disempower their disappointment  by feeding the hungry; clothing the naked; nursing the infirmed; embracing the gay; welcoming the immigrant; visiting the imprisoned; and proffering goodwill. In turn, may we expand our horizon enough to see that dignity is not a financial commodity; and relationships with the Divine, self and others are the only true investments.